Richard Hammer Richard Hammer is the todays Gera-City president and the first president after big journey. He is the first one who tried to unite the people of Gera-City to recreate their past home. He is a son of the greatest engineer Volt Hammer. Now Richard Hammer is planning to expend the territory of the city, bring more vegetation and restore the Gera-City. But this plan will have been done only by the year 2026.
Aaron 748352 Aaron 74835 is the todays leader of the great galactic empire. Actually Aaron is a robot who climbed to this stage of his career. He went out from first empire academy, then lost his legs, then again one leg and finally became the leader. His cold glance brings horror to people of the lego universe planets.
Lord Caden Gold Lord Caden Gold is helping Gera City people in restoring their city. Also he recently has bought the trade droid company, which trade on an underground planet Nordgard. As well he is one of the richest mini figures in the lego universe. But also he has some deals with the empire, so he is neither on light side nor on dark side.
Zane Hunter Zane Hunter is todays desert pirate leader, who is a son of the great Gera City policeman captain Zull Hunter, he died in recent accident. Know he tries to take control on north desert, where empire is mining cyber crystals. His fleet contains some speeders and one sand shuttle.
Horner The Horner is the most frightening lego mini figure of all. He made a lot of attacks on Gera City, but never won. You can kill him only by breaking fully all his horns on his head. Now his localization is unknown and we don’t know if he is alive. And unfortunetely we do not have a picture of The Horner at the moment.
Jordan Speed Jordan Speed is one of the speed league members and who also has decided to restore the new technology center in the future. In this center people will be able to show their robots, cars and new technologies to move further abilities of the lego minifigures. As well he has already won some car races trophies, such as survival race trophy and circle race trophy.
James Ford James Ford is one of a few native Gera-City resident and the best driver in the lego universe. He won a lot of car races on his legendary for mustang, including la mansh. Now he helps rebels to defeat the empire. And also recently he established the speed league, who help people in need.